illustration by gabi garland
13th of December 2018
10pm – till late
To launch the collaboration Artists Care About Bridges, we organize a kick off Fundraising Club Night with a pumping line up featuring Nedalot, Perera Elsewhere, DJ Residue and Akmê.
NEDALOT aka Neda Sanai is a Berlin based DJ & and producer that moves in the queer underground scene of Europe. With their skillful mixing of different club genres, including rap, R&B, bass music, Jersey club, 2 step, all mixed up in an ocean of twisted pop Acapella, the vibe is always intense-warped-sexy.
Perera Elsewhere (FoF)
Dj Set
Sasha Perera, aka Perera Elsewhere, is a polyglot, if there ever were one. Her music proclivities are not resigned only to her output under that name on Los Angeles imprint Friends of Friends or to her previous work she did as a member of Berlin-based globalist club project Jahcoozi. Perera also DJs and when she does, it’s all about bass music. Rooted in her love of UK sounds, she delivers a banquet selection of contemporary club sounds from all over the world to keep the bodies popping and people hungry.
DJ Residue (TTT)
Techno Excursions
Akmê (://about blank)
Akmê’s sets are known for their diversity. They are profound improvisational odysseys, which explore deep planes of emotions. Simply put: Techno with groove.